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Dove, White-winged - cast feet


Product Description

These feet, made by Richard Delise are hand cast from a mixture of quality pewter and tin. They are strong, slightly flexible, and show intricate detail that will give your carving a realistic look.

* Filing a notch under the knuckle joints will help in the bending of thick toes.
* Clean feet with rubbing alcohol before painting.
* Notice the hind toe is on the inside of the bird's foot; as your thumb is on the inside of your hand.
* Some feet will have a metal rod cast in the leg to give extra support from bending.
* Made in U.S.A.
* Feet are life size.  (photo is not actual size)
* Sold by the pair.

* Dimensions:  length - front toe to back toe - 2"

                         width - outside toes - 1 1/4"

                         height - bottom of the foot to top of ankle - 1 1/8"




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